Spring show registration is open!
Hello everyone,
We hope you are getting ready for the spring show! Last week we visited the venue and were very impressed with its size and beauty. Now we need all of your art to impress the masses.
Posters will be available very soon. Plan to pick some up at the Feb 27th meeting. We need your help getting them out!
DIY printer/cutters: see below for downloadable stuff.
Meeting: February 20th; 7:30pm
Kazu in Cummins Station
This week:Kazu in Cummins Station
SWAP! Meet and swap art supplies that you no longer want or need. Need to find a new home for those oil paints you bought and have finally admitted that you're never gonna use them? or the huge roll of paper your workplace 'donated' to you? found objects? random vintage photos? black lights? glow paints? scrap paper/mat board? old, gently used tools?
We'll also discuss the UPtown Artists' Swap trip. (see below)
New to the group? come out and meet some folks, hang out, have a drink or eat some good food. We're nice, we promise.
Feel free to bring any promotional stuff for your exhibits or just bring yourself to tell us about what you're doing.
Remember, ALL artists are welcome. Please join us. We hope to see you there.
SPRING SHOW dates & deadlines:
PAY: $15 due at or before March 5 meeting
or postmarked by Friday, March 7
REGISTER: by Sunday, March 9 - midnight
DROP-OFF: Wednesday, March 12; 6-7:30pm
INSTALLATION: Thursday, March 13; 9am - 7pm
SHOW: Friday, March 14; 6-10pm
CLEAN-UP: Saturday, March 15; 10am - 1pm
(times subject to change)
Lots of things are available for you to download this week on the front page of the website. Active Ingredient press release, call to artists, poster, flyers
Go there now
Registration is now open! You can register online anytime before the deadline of Sunday, March 9th (midnight).
CLICK HERE to visit the ACTIVE INGREDIENT registration survey
Share this with all your artist friends and encourage them to participate! Print some pages at home (or work-oops did we say that?), cut, and then hand them out.
Information about how to show and files to download are available here:
Questions? Email us.
UPtown Artists' Swap trip to Clarksville
We're goin' to Clarksville. The plan is to car-pool to the monthly art swap hosted by Art X-po.
We plan to meet at Kazu on the last Saturday of February (23rd) at 5:00pm and leave at 5:30pm to head for Clarksville.
UPtown Artists' Swap will be held on Saturday, February 23 @ 7-10 pm in The Icehouse Cafe (118 University Ave, Clarksville)
Recent posts:
Call to artists: "Exploring the 23rd Psalm". Deadline: March 21, 2008
Nashville Craft Mafia - Revolution of Craft. Deadline: March 7, 2008
Untitled Active Ingredient Call for artists: Deadline March 9, 2008
Upcoming film and discussion events scheduled for Sarratt Cinema
Turn your photos into textBeautiful Decay
Art Face Off
Thank you for being a part of Untitled!
Feel free to contact us with any questions!
Untitled Artists Group
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