No Weekly Meeting - Art Drop off for Naked Carnivale
Hello everyone,
Thanks to everyone for helping to hang posters! We do have a few left if you would like to pick some up at drop-off this week.
We are not having a regular meeting this week - we will be having the art drop off.
If you are participating in the Naked Carnivale show, please read this entire email as well as our ready to hang guide online.
To be sure that your registration is complete please visit our website to see if your name is on the list:
If your info is incomplete and you plan to participate and have already paid, please contact us ASAP! Or, if you thought that you registered but your name is not on list and have already paid, please contact us ASAP!
VOLUNTEERS! If you are volunteering only, please plan to confirm your shift at drop-off or make other arrangements if necessary. Please contact us.
Promo info for you to use is listed below. Please help get the word out and invite everyone you know.
A forwardable invite will be sent soon for you to forward.
SPONSORS & PRIZES! Be sure to check out our sponsors. We have some amazing costume prizes lined up for you and our guests, all donated by generous local businesses and groups. There are special costume prizes for participating artists only!
Thank you!
We now have all the poster files up on the website, ready to download and print or post online. We also have some html code for you to use. You can find these on the artist page:
see below for more ideas!
Anyone have
-Twister games we can borrow?!
-Extra tables for night of show?
Please contact us right away or come to the drop-off!
NO Weekly Meeting!
Wednesday,Sept. 17; 6-7:30pm
240 Cumberland Bend, Nashville, Tennessee 37228
Travel North on Metro Center Blvd. (Rosa Parks Blvd aka 8th Avenue North becomes Metro Center Blvd. at I-65).
Turn Right onto Vantage Way just past I-65.
Follow Vantage Way until it turns into Cumberland Bend.
Abundant Parking available. Look for Untitled signage or the show poster.
See you there! Can't wait to see what you've made!
dates & deadlines:
PRESS IMAGES DEADLINE: Thursday, August 21
PAY: $15 due at or before Sept 10 meeting
or postmarked by Friday Sept 12
or online by Sunday Sept 14
REGISTER: by Sunday Sept 14 - midnight
DROP-OFF: Wednesday, Sept 17; 6-7:30pm
INSTALLATION: Thursday, Sept 18; 9am - 7pm
SHOW: Friday, Sept 19; 6-10pm
CLEAN-UP: Saturday, Sept 20; 10am - 1pm
(times subject to change)
The art drop-off and volunteer confirmation for Naked Carnivale takes place Wednesday, Sept. 17, from 6-7:30 PM at the venue. See address above. Drop-off/confirmation takes about 15 minutes. Come any time between 6 and 7:30. Late work will not be accepted. If you register and decide later not to participate, please email to let us know your change in plans. Otherwise we'll worry about you. If someone else is dropping off your work, they will need to sign the artist need to know form for you and confirm your volunteer shift(s) too.
Here's what to bring to and be prepared for at the drop-off:
WHAT TO DO: Enter venue and check in. You will check in, show that your artwork is ready to hang, sign the artist need to know form, drop off your food and beverage contributions, and confirm your volunteer shifts. This is kinda like an assembly line and you will be checking in with various people. (order may vary slightly)
to make sure your work is ready to hang and labeled.
Set work in room.
3. CHECK IN: Tell us your name and we'll check you off and make sure that you have paid. Please do not leave without checking in!!!!!!!! We may not realize you were there and leave you out of the program, etc.
Feel free to read this beforehand:
(No need to print this.)
5. VOLUNTEER CONFIRMATION: Check in with Lolly!
All exhibiting artists (and non-exhibiting artists, too) are encouraged to volunteer their time to help install the show (bring tools and drills!-label w/ your name & number!), host the event, and uninstall the show. Please let us know what you can do to help. The volunteer schedule will be finalized at the drop-off. Your help is always needed & appreciated. We love, love, love volunteers!
Even if you are not exhibiting, please plan to confirm your shift(s) at the drop-off or contact us beforehand.
Untitled is an artist-run organization. We need your help! Volunteering is a great way to learn skills, meet other artists, and gain access to valuable resources. There are many ways to volunteer; see the volunteer guide for more info. UNTITLED's Volunteer Guide
Volunteering is not absolutely necessary and it's understood that not all artists can volunteer, but please help out if you can.
6. FOOD/BEVERAGE DROP OFF: Check in with the HOSPITALITY CHAIR, Cody, and drop off your goodies. Please plan to bring a beverage such as wine, water, soda.
We are having a show at a venue that does not serve food and beverages, so we will supply our own for our guests.
We may also ask artists to bring non-perishable items to the show.
7. SMALL WORK DROP OFF: Check in with Wylie!
If you are submitting work for the small works table, plase plan to bring it to the drop off. See below for guidelines. Print and fill out beforehand:
Your work must be dry and ready to hang (wired, or with other appropriate hanging hardware).
PLEASE BE SURE YOUR NAME AND THE TITLE OF YOUR PIECE ARE ON THE BACK. If your work is not properly prepared for hanging, it will not be shown. Please check in with the curator or installation chair to confirm that your work is ready to hang.
IMPORTANT!!!! Please see our handy dandy "ready to hang" guide on our website:
Optional: A one-page bio and/or artist's statement. Untitled maintains a book of bios and artists' statements for patrons to review during our shows. If you would like your information included in the book, please bring a single page with you to the drop-off. Here's an article on writing an artist's statement to help you get started:
You may also bring your small promotional materials to place on our sales and information table - ie: business cards, postcards, bookmarks, pins, stickers, etc. You may bring these to the drop-off or to the show.
Exhibiting artists may submit up to 5 pieces of work to be included in the small works area.
-Each artist must have work in the main exhibition to submit work to the small works table-Each artist is limited to 5 pieces
-Each piece is not to exceed 10x10 inches
-Each artist must submit a printed list with details of their submitted work, including title, medium, and price
-Work must be dropped off during the regular art drop-off the Wednesday night before the show.
-Each artist is responsible for taking their unsold work with them at 10pm
-Work will be sold by cash or check only and will go directly to the artist
-Work may include original art, prints, or craft items, etc.
-Work must be matted or otherwise protected, and must be in a clear plastic sleeve/packaging (available at any art supply store)
-Work must be labeled with name, title and price at the very least
Please plan to bring some water, soft drinks, wine, or other beverages and a snack or two for our guests. Thank you! You may bring non-perishable items to the drop-off and anything to the show itself.
***CHECK IN***
When you arrive at the show, please check in at the sales and information table.
Here you will pick up your artist badge to wear & confirm your volunteer shift. Please try to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your volunteer shift.
!! It is important that you check in so that if we need to contact you we know that you are available. This is especially helpful when someone is interested in purchasing your work!
***IF YOU LEAVE and return later:***
- Check out at the sales table to let us know you have stepped out.
- Check in again when you return.
***END OF NIGHT - 10pm***
- Take your work home. Please make arrangements for someone to take your work home at 10pm if you cannot be there.
Then you are responsible for making sure it gets to your buyer. Check your titleblock throughout the night. If you see a red dot...come to the sales table!
If your work sells, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with the buyer if the buyer cannot take it home that evening.
*** If someone else is taking your work home and your work is sold, that person is then responsible for communicating with the sales table and buyer. Make sure your art picker-upper knows this!
_______________________GET PAID
If your art sells, pick up your money. Untitled charges no commission, and if the buyer pays by check or cash, you can pick it up the night of the show. If the buyer uses a credit card, there will be roughly a 3% credit card fee, depending on what type of credit card is used (which goes to the credit card company, not Untitled), and you can pick up a check at the Untitled meeting 2 weeks from the show.
You'll need to arrange for your buyer to pick up your work at the end of the night, or you can arrange to deliver it, if you prefer. If someone else is picking up your work because you can't make it, please let them know that they are responsible for communicating with the sales table and buyer about pick-up.
We have lots of ways for you to promote your show and we hope you take advantage of this. We do lots of PR for every show, but the best way to promote a show is by word of mouth and personal invites.
Here are a few things you can do.
1. post the html code on your website, myspace, facebook, etc.
2. create an event invite via your favorite networking website and invite all your friends (real, imaginary, or virtual)
3. post the show poster as your profile image on your favorite networking site.
4. blog! blogs are very effective tools and show up in search engine very quickly. a great way to promote yourself too via the show.
5. post bulletins
6. send a personal email to invite your friends (real, imaginary, or virtual)
7. forward our invite. (super easy)
8. make your own invite/cards/etc with an image of your artwork that you plan to put in the show.
9. forward the event page:
(Did you know that they have free artist profiles that you can link to events that you are in?)
10. pick up some posters and cards and hang them/hand them out
12. DIY! - download the cards, print em, cut em, give em
Where do you get the code, images, etc?
Right here:
Thank you!
Thank you for being a part of Untitled!
Untitled Artists Group
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