Last week to pay and register for Active Ingredient!
Hello everyone,
Thanks to everyone who came out to take some posters last week! We hope to see all those posters and flyers around town!
You can still download and print stuff from the website:
This week is the last week to pay and register. Check the deadlines below or on the website calendar. Get the link to the registration on our website, below, or on the sidebar of this email.
Please pass this info on to any artist who may be interested in participating!
Kazu in Cummins Station
+ Group performance planning!
Huh? If you missed last week's meeting, you missed some very interesting discussions and ideas for what we can do to mix things up a little at meetings or wherever. Thanks for all the input! Now let's make it happen. Have ideas? Come on out or email us.
+ Last chance to pay for the show in person! ($15)
You can also mail payment to :
P.O. Box 40232, Nashville, TN 37204
Please postmark by Friday the 7th! Make checks out to Untitled.
Feel free to bring any promotional stuff for your exhibits or just bring yourself to tell us about what you're doing.
Remember, ALL artists are welcome. Please join us. We hope to see you there.
This week:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Interested in learning about what the Untitled board does? Wanna know how you can get more involved?
The Untitled board interest meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about how the board works and gives you an opportunity to get more involved.
SPRING SHOW dates & deadlines:
PAY: $15 due at or before March 5 meeting
or postmarked by Friday, March 7
REGISTER: by Sunday, March 9 - midnight
DROP-OFF: Wednesday, March 12; 6-7:30pm
INSTALLATION: Thursday, March 13; 9am - 7pm
SHOW: Friday, March 14; 6-10pm
CLEAN-UP: Saturday, March 15; 10am - 1pm
(times subject to change)
Check this out! Pick up the new March issue of Nashville Arts Magazine. Untitled is featured this month in a fantastic article written by Chuck Beard.
hurry hurry hurry! It will be here before you know it!
You can register online anytime before the deadline of Sunday, March 9th (midnight).
CLICK HERE to visit the ACTIVE INGREDIENT registration survey
Share this with all your artist friends and encourage them to participate! Print some pages at home (or work-oops did we say that?), cut, and then hand them out.
Information about how to show and files to download are available here:
Also available on the front page of the website. Please be aware that the files for printing are large.
+ A.I. press release
+ Call to artists (color)
- black & white cards to print
+ A.I. poster for printing
+ A.I. cards for printing (4 per sheet)
(8x10"/2.0 MB)
Artists recently added to the website:
Marty McEwen
Nancy Sayavong
Kevin Rogers
LeAnne Johnson
Chris and Amberlin Hailey
Derek Williamson/Deez Decks
Michael Mucker
Camille Akers
Tiffany Sparks
Erin Cubert
sher fick
courtney 'nikki' etienne
Add your site here:
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