Friday, April 20, 2007

Workshop Report

On Wednesday, April 18, Laura Chenicek taught our Spring Workshop on stretching canvas. We also had our first ever art materials swap. If you have art materials you don't need, you can bring them to an Untitled meeting to see if there are any takers, or consider donating them to the Plowhaus for their upcoming kids art project. For info on donating to Plowhaus, please visit

Next Wednesday we'll announce the title of our summer show. If you haven't voted yet, why not? Here's the link to the place to vote:
With over 50 votes and counting, the leading titles are:
"Hi, my name is Summer" and "Where does it hurt?"
Now's your chance to tip the scale.

FURTHERMORE, next Wednesday will be our second ever occasional, optional art swap. Bring some small thing you made to trade with another artist. Untitled meets at Kazu Restaurant in Cummins Station. 7:30 every Wednesday.

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