Call for poster designs
Hello everyone,
Last week we narrowed down a long list of show title ideas. And now we need a poster design.
Thank you to everyone who came out and offered their ideas and votes.
See below for details.
Location: Kazu
in Cummins Station
At this week's meeting...
+ Call for poster designs in 2 weeks
Learn about how to design a poster for an upcoming show, how the contest works, etc.
See more info below
+ Call for team leaders
We need some really smart people to head up our spring show teams.
See more info below
Have a show or announcement?
Get the word out by coming to the meeting. Don't forget to bring flyers, cards, or any other promo stuff if you have it.
Missed the meeting? See how it went down in the upcoming documentary.
One of the fastest ways to get some exposure is to design a poster for Untitled. Untitled poster designs are placed anywhere and everywhere in town and on the internet.
So, get started - you have 2 weeks!
Then bring your poster designs to the meeting and those who attend the meeting will vote for the design they like the most.
IMPORTANT! Please visit the link below for more information about designing a poster. This page will give you all the details you need to design a poster:
Wanna learn something new, have lots of fun, build your resume, all while connecting with other artists? Here's your chance!
We've started down the path toward planning our spring show, but we need your help! Here is what we need to make the show happen:
+ PR chair
+ Artists' Liaison
+ Installation chair
+ Curator
+ Clean-up chair
+ Hospitality chair
No experience is necessary except for installation. Lots of people will be around to help you. We also have guides for you to follow.
See our volunteer guide on our website for more details about each position:
If you're interested, but worried that you might not be experienced enough, or it might be too hard, or anything else that worries you - talk to a previous chair and they'll let you know about how wonderful their own experience has been while volunteering with Untitled. It really is an experience that you won't want to miss. If you'd like to help a chair, that's great too! Just let us know what area you're interested in.
Thank you!
Last week we discussed and agreed to plan a trip to Clarksville. The plan is to car-pool to the monthly art swap hosted by Art-Xpo. This is a place for artists to meet, show and sell their work, and trade work and ideas with other artists.
We plan to meet at Kazu on the last Saturday of February (23rd) at 5:00pm and leave at 5:30pm to head for Clarksville.
Stay tuned for updates.
UPtown Artists' Swap will be held on Saturday, February 23 @ 7pm in The Icehouse Cafe (118 University Ave, Clarksville)
(There is also a swap this month on the 26th that you are welcome to attend, but we are planning our field trip for next month)
Keeping you in touch with the world of art.
email us w/ suggestons for future newsletters.
tip: sign up for newsletters to receive special promotional codes for event discounts, etc.
JANUARY 2008 - $1 admission all month long!
Thank you for being a part of Untitled!
Untitled Artists Group