What's it gonna be?
Hello Everyone:
Untitled's next meeting is Wednesday, January 31 at 7:30 PM at Kazu in Cummins Station. At this week's meeting we'll share results of the spring show title survey, review the show calendar, welcome new members (all you gotta do is show up, and presto! welcome!), and talk about what's going on art-wise this weekend.If you missed last Thursday's Really Big Thing and Saturday's Bloody Valentine opening at Plowhaus, never fear! Melissa Martin has posted some great photos on her website. You can view a slideshow and pretend you were there.
Really Big Thing pics
Plowhaus Bloody Valentine pics
Saturday, February 3 is this month's "first Saturday", which means that you can gorge yourself on openings all evening, and take advantage of the downtown shuttle to get you from one gallery to the next. Come out and see your friends, look at art, think about art, buy art, talk about art and start deciding which of the many galleries in town will make a good home for YOUR art. For details on what's opening where, visit the art-talk calendar (shortcut: click on "calendar" on the Untitled home page.)
Important Dates for the Spring Show:
Title Announced Online: February 3
Bring Poster Designs to Meeting: February 14
Posters & Cards Distributed: February 28
Press Release goes out: March 2
$15 Fee postmarked: March 9 (PO Box 40232, Nashville, TN 37204)
Titleblock entry due online: March 11 (check website for link)
Drop-off Work: March 14
Installation: March 15
Show: March 16
Clean-up: March 17